Saturday, January 28, 2017

This Is the Greatest Video Ever Made

Doesn't get any better than that. That's like watching Derek Jeter career highlights right there. Just Chills City. Still can't believe the Clemson Tigers are National Champions. What a time. Thanks for the memories Deshaun. DW4EVER.

Fire Jam Friday

I'm really starting to consistently suck at doing these each week, but whatever. This blog is dead and no one reads it. That being said, great music out in the last two weeks so lets get caught up.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fire Jam Friday

Been way too long since my last blog. Missed Top 10 albums of the year, two FJFs, and Clemson winning the god damn national championship (LET'S FUCKING GO). So here we go. At least you get a shit ton of sick music all at once.

Top 10 Albums of 2016

Fire Jam Friday 1/6

Fire Jam Friday 1/13

Weekly Top 10 of All Time Update

And just for shits and giggles here's the national championship highlights. The boys fuckin did it!