Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Torrington Being Weird, What Else Did You Expect?

WTNH-  TORRINGTON, Conn. (WTNH) – Nineteen rabbits, four chickens, two dogs and one cat were seized from a Hayden Hill residence Monday after police were called to the home on a welfare check. While none of the animals appeared to be malnourished, an animal control officer determined the environment “unfit” for the animals, said police spokesman Lt. Bruce Whiteley. Whiteley said “a strong, unpleasant smell emanating from within the residence” greeted responding officers about 6 p.m. Monday.
This is absolutely absurd. Everyone from Connecticut knows that Torrington is somewhere you only go if you're going to Taco Bell or Walmart. Not somewhere you like to spend your free time. This just speaks to that even more. What kind of nut case keeps 26 animals in their house? They must have been kicked out of all the local petting zoos or something, I'm not really sure. This bastard probably didn't even let the animals out of the house to go to the bathroom. I'm seriously baffled how someone could even live in that house with those smells. My dog takes one shit in the house and I'm convinced I have to have the whole place fumigated.  C'mon son.
- Boomshakalaka

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