Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How To Cast Bill Murray

source-  "Oh god, that story's so crazy," says Melfi, laughing. "The nuts and bolts is (Murray) has no agent and manager, as everyone knows. You just call the 1-800 number. And I left, I don't know, a dozen messages. It's not his voice on there. It's a Skytel voicemail with a menu. You have to record the message and send the message. It's so confusing. I think if you can get through that and believe in it, he might call you back. I started calling once a week, and then sometimes once every two weeks so I didn't annoy him. He never called back. I finally called his lawyer and said, 'I'm trying reach Bill.' And he goes, 'What number do you got?' And I go, 'I've got the 800 number.' And he goes, 'Well that's what I got.' "So I finally call his lawyer, it must have been at least six weeks later after all these messages. (The lawyer suggests Melfi write Murray a snail mail letter.) A 'Dear Bill' letter. To a post office box back in New York. Two weeks later, (Murray) calls his attorney and goes, 'OK the letter was swell. I'd like to read the script. Have him snail mail a script.' To another post office box on Martha's Vineyard. Bill is a nomad. He's never in one place for long. Two or three weeks after that, driving down the road I'm in the middle of a commercial job and my phone rings and he goes, 'Ted? It's Bill Murray. Is this a good time?' I pull over and he goes, 'Listen, I got this script of yours and I don't know who you are. I don't Google people. I don't know who you are, what you do. Tell me about yourself.'"

This is awesome. It's well documented that i friggin love bill. Guy is such a boss. I can see if you're a big time actor having a 1-800 line, godda filter through the bullshit, but the fact that his lawyer also has this number is just hilarious. Never change, Bill. Never change.

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